1. Panel Discussion: Understanding Addiction & Supporting Recovery in the Church
3:00-4:30pm , The St. Michael’s Centre
If you are a church leader, pastoral worker, conference delegate, or help to shape outreach or care in your setting we invite you to this free session.
We are creating space to have some important conversations. We hope to bring together those that have walked through addiction, the Church, and those who have walked alongside people in addiction. Together we hope to explore what addiction is and how you can be effective in supporting someone in active addiction.
How to join: Register for you free place on the form below.
2. Pre-Conference Networking & Stalls
7:00-9:00pm, The St. Michael’s Centre
A pre-conference gathering for any delegates wishing to connect informally on the night before the conference.
At ISAAC one of our core objectives is to connect our members. We are aware that some of you may be travelling to Bristol the day before the UK & Ireland conference. This gathering is to enable you to meet old friends and new in a relaxed setting. Some stalls will be available to browse, other delegates including speakers will be present and there will be light refreshments provided.
How to join: This free event is for delegates of Saturday’s full day conference. If you have registered, details of how to join have been emailed to you.