Training Estonian Rehab Workers
Author: Viljam Borissenko, Avatud Lootuse Fond SA (Public Foundation of Hope), Estonia
“At the beginning of October, we had the pleasure of meeting again with Treflyn Lloyd-Roberts (CEO of ISAAC), who, in addition to being a good friend of ours, also has excellent skills, knowledge and experience to pass on to Christian rehabilitation center leaders.
Christian Addictions Work in Estonia
There are nearly twenty NGOs based on Christian values operating in Estonia. Together they offer more than 350 residential places, where an addict, who often has nothing left, can start the road to recovery. All these organisations were born as a result of people called by God starting to act.
We have formed a Round Table (members 16 NGOs) acting as a professional association, where we have formulated common goals for the development of the field.
These NGOs take the addict by the hand, help them learn to live without addiction. Most of the staff are ex-addicts themselves, who are a great encouragement with their recovered lives.
Help the Helper Seminar
At the beginning of October, Treflyn from ISAAC, met with Christian rehabilitation centre leaders in Estonia through the Public Foundation of Hope.
A seminar was held called “Help the Helper”, which focused on maintaining the personal motivation of leaders, developing their ability and looking at how to stay healthy as a helper over many years. The seminar was attended by 24 leaders, from 13 different Christian-based organisations helping addicts from all over Estonia.
Most of those gathered have been working in the field for years, if not decades, with organisations facing similar challenges and questions, like how to build good team and raise disciples, and how to maintain balance in personal lives.
All the leaders were extremely blessed with really practical ideas and insights from the Lord. There was also great time of prayer in the evening where leaders ministered to each other. We also visited one of the rehabilitation centres, that has been operating for a long time in Eastern Estonia, Aseri. The Resurrection Charity Foundation has four centers in Estonia, men and women are receiving help.”
Find our more about ISAAC Member Viljam Borissenko, Avatud Lootuse Fond SA (Public Foundation of Hope), Estonia.