Conference Speakers

Tom Bremer


Director, Europe Teen Challenge
President, ISAAC International

Tom Bremer has worked with Europe Teen Challenge since 1983 and has been Director of Europe Teen Challenge since May 1999. Tom leads the fellowship of existing programs and assists with developing new works. His burden is to “broaden and restore vision for the lost souls of drug addicts and other young people in Europe who are caught in life-controlling problems.”

Tom has a master’s degree in professional counseling and is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the State of Colorado, USA. He is also a Minister. Much of his time is spent teaching, pastoring and mentoring Teen Challenge national and regional leaders across the 40 TC Programs in Europe. Tom and his wife of 43 years, Terry also have a ministry to couples in Europe. They have three children. In August 1999, the Bremers established their home and the ETC office in Fanhões-Loures, Portugal.

Jackie Pullinger

Jackie Pullinger

Pioneer & Founder, St.Stephen’s Society
Hong Kong

“Too young and unqualified to join a missionary society, I asked God what to do with my life. ‘Go,’ he replied and repeated this whenever I asked; and when I inquired where, he added ‘Go, and I will lead you. I went. On the advice of a minister, I took the cheapest ship I could find, calling in at the greatest number of countries. I got on and prayed to know where to get off.”

Jackie, a classical musician from Surrey, arrived in Hong Kong in 1966 and was immediately drawn to the most notorious and dangerous city imaginable – Kowloon’s Walled City. It was into this den of hopelessness and despair that she came, totally unaware of how God would transform her life and, through her, the face of Hong Kong’s Walled City.

Jackie has been working with the poor in Hong Kong for over 56 years and has seen remarkable results as lives are changed, healed and restored through finding relationship with Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit – there were miracles. Many have gone on to live new lives in Christ and gone to other countries in Asia to share what Jesus has done. Most of her work is with drug addicts, prostitutes, the homeless, young people, and street kids.

David Ong

David Ong

Head of Breakthrough Healing and Recovery Ministry
Founder & President, Reapfield Properties SDN BHD
Chairman of Man in the Mirror Asia Resources

David Ong, known to many as a man who believes in godly character and strong leadership, started Reapfield Properties in 1984 together with his wife, Serene. Today Reapfield Properties is a brand name in the industry. David is a Christ follower, with a strong passion for Men’s Ministry and discipleship. He received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior in his teenage years, at a point when he was bound by drug addiction. It was through the power and the grace of God that David experienced deliverance from this bondage and has never looked back.

Reapfield’s mission statement: “To Honour God, To Provide Service of Excellence & to Train, Equip and Empower” is powered by its three Core Values & Culture: In God We Trust, In Family we Cherish & In Business we Excel.

David is married to Serene Ong. Together they have been blessed with 3 beautiful daughters, Christine, Lydia and Stephanie, 2 sons-in -law and 3 grandchildren.

Warwick Murphy


Vice President, ISAAC International
Regional Co-ordinator, ISAAC Asia

 Warwick Murphy has worked in the addiction field for 50 years. Trained as an addictions and family counsellor, Warwick established and directed a residential rehabilitation centre in London from 1985 – 1994. He established and ran a counselling centre, for families living with addictions in Melbourne, Australia.

Warwick has run training programs across Asia working with many Christian Recovery organisations in many countries. During this time he was based in Malaysia with his wife. He is married with four adult children and eight grandchildren. He has also written a book, An Adventure Like no Other, much of it related to his work in the addiction field.

Jungmi Park


Leader, Celebrate Recovery

Jungmi Park is a Korean missionary who has been serving in Mongolia since 1998. Her first involvement in the addictions/recovery field was working with Mongolian narcology doctors to set up a new method of addiction treatment. She worked actively within the AA & Alanon set-up in Mongolia.

After several years of pioneering work in addictions recovery God led her to develop a Christian-based recovery program. In 2003 her team launched a ‘Celebrate Recovery’ (CR) program, a well-known church-based recovery ministry in Mongolia. Over 10 years, they provided training to hundreds of churches. Around 30 churches have been running the program to help people addicted to alcohol as well as their families. The team formed the national network of CR in the country and today it fully runs as independent ministries.

She has also been involved in Addiction counseling training over the years which has led to developing individuals and support groups in their Christian addictions response.

Andy Partington

Andy P

Founder & International Director of Novō Communities
Author ‘Hope in Addiction’

Andy has served as Director of Yeldall Manor, as Director of Training at the London School of Theology, and in church leadership in the UK, Bolivia, and Nicaragua. For much of the last 20 years, Andy and his wife, Mickey, along with their five children, have made their home in Latin America.

Novō Communities brings freedom from addiction by empowering God’s people to create transformational communities that offer healing, wholeness, and hope. Novō mentors leaders, trains teams, and strengthens programmes with the Beyond Addiction recovery manual.

Hope in Addiction (Moody Publishers, 2023) brings together personal stories, compelling research, and ministry experience to address the role of the church in the age of addiction.

Dr. Ehab El Kharrat

Dr. Ehab

Senior Consultant Psychiatrist
Founder & Executive Director of The Freedom Drugs & HIV Program

Dr. Ehab is the Director of The Freedom Drugs and HIV Program based in Egypt which runs 70 detoxification and drug rehabilitation centres with a total capacity of 2150 beds. The Freedom Training Centre has also served 11,000 trainees from 46 countries around the world. He is a founding member and a former President of ISAAC, and currently serves on our Steering Committee. He has also served as the Former Senator and Head of the Human Rights Committee of the Egyptian Parliament.

With a strong therapeutic background, Dr. Ehab is a Consultant Psychiatrist, and earned his PhD in the Psychiatry of Substance Misuse from the University of Kent, UK. He sits on the board of the World Federation of Therapeutic Communities WFTC and is the President of the International Committee for NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals. Dr. Ehab has a strong faith and is an Elder and former assistant pastor for youth in Kasr El Dobarah Evangelical Church, with 10,000 worshipers each week, the largest Evangelical Church in the Arab Region.

Dana Seale


Co-Founder and Author of GROW Training


Dana McDaniel Seale is the author of the GROW Strong curriculum and the Co-founder of Global Resilience Oral Workshops. She has a masters degree in positive psychology from the University of Pennsylvania and is a writer, researcher, Bible study leader, Motivational Interviewing trainer, speaker and mother of 4 children and 5 grandchildren.  She and her husband Dr. Paul Seale have spent the last five years working in Africa training lay leaders in prevention tools for emotional resilience and recovery tools for alcohol and drugs.

Dr. Paul Seale


Co-Founder GROW Training


Dr. J. Paul Seale is a physician and researcher with board certification in Family Medicine and Addiction Medicine. He spent more than 10 years working full time in Global Health in Asia and Latin America, where the foundational concepts of the GROW Free alcohol and drug recovery program were developed. He now serves as Professor of Family Medicine and Psychiatry at Augusta University in Augusta, GA (USA) and co-director of Global Resilience Oral Workshops (GROW) with his wife Dana Seale.

Alison Giblett

In front of the blossom.

Leader, Genesis Process
International Steering Group Member, ISAAC International

Alison Giblett is leader of the Genesis ministry in Ukraine. The Genesis Process is a Biblical inner healing support program that helps overcome destructive habits. Prior to this she served in rehabilitation centres in Russia and Ukraine for five years. She has been part of ISAAC International Leadership since 2000. Alison has a masters degree in Missiology, and another in Philosophy and Religious Studies. She loves to equip others to fulfil their God given potential for His glory.

Treflyn Lloyd-Roberts



General Secretary, ISAAC International
CEO, Hope & Vision Communities

Treflyn Lloyd-Roberts has worked with recovery projects for 30 years across a variety of contexts and countries. He is the current General Secretary of ISAAC International and heads up ISAAC UK, doing this alongside his role as Chief Executive at Hope & Vision Communities – a recovery housing project in the United Kingdom. He was previously involved in encouraging networks of Christian addictions recovery projects to form and grow in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, especially working on the links between HIV and drug use. He also served as Chief Executive at Yeldall Manor until 2023, a residential rehabilitation centre in the United Kingdom – steering this organisation through the Covid 19 pandemic.

Treflyn is a pro-active networker, mentor, encourager and trainer and well known to ISAAC members around the world for his project visits and member care activities.

Janine Epere



CEO, Co-Founder and Clinical Services Manager, Destiny Haven

Janine spent her young adult life as a full time entertainer singing and playing in top venues around Australia. In 1994 after struggling with addictions she and her husband Lewis found freedom after spending a year in residential rehab. After leaving Sherwood Cliffs, Janine served the local church as worship leader until she entered full time study. In 2003 she graduated from Worldview Centre with honours – Bachelor of Intercultural Studies. She also has an advanced Diploma in Counselling and Family Therapy, a Diploma in community services – Alcohol and other drugs and a Diploma in Comorbidity. She has completed a Master of Counselling. Janine is the Clinical Services Manager at Destiny Haven and is responsible for the programs, group work, individual learning modules and oversees the counsellors and counselling of clients. She is passionate about helping women know their true worth and value. Lewis and Janine have three adult children.

Mitha Bleasdale


Head of Strategy and Relationships, ISAAC International

Mitha Bleasdale has experience in strategic, governance, communications & administrative roles within addictions recovery, educational, faith-based and mental health organisations mainly in the UK. She has been part of the International Secretariat team at ISAAC since 2012. Mitha serves as Director/Trustee for a UK-based national charity, Jubilee+ which works with churches to change communities through Christian social action. She also supports a homelessness charity in her local area, offering befriending to service-users and supporting them to access help. Her approach is solution-oriented, strategic, team-focussed and relational.
At this Global Congress of ISAAC Members she will be connecting with members in focus group settings to get a deeper understanding of their contexts and ministries.