Conference resources

Welcome to our conference knowledge base. You will find videoes, talks and slides here.

Our generous members who have provided these resources are happy for you to have these for free. However if you would like to say ‘thank you’, you can do that by making a donation to the work of ISAAC International. It will mean we can make more resources available to more Christian addiction/recovery workers like you.

ISAAC UK Conference 2018: Who is on your team?

Martin shares key findings from a current Jubilee+ sponsored national survey on church engagement with addiction issues. He will discuss some of the key challenges and opportunities in building capacity within churches to engage effectively with addiction issues. Martin was for many years Pastor of Barnabas Community Church, Shrewsbury, where he developed many social action initiatives. In 2011 he started Jubilee+ a capacity building organisation to help churches engage effectively with a wide variety of social action projects. Jubilee+ runs conferences and training events, conducts research and develops networks. He is co-author of ‘The Myth of the Undeserving Poor’ and ‘A Church for the Poor’. See for more.

Dr. Steve Smith is a Christian GP living with his family in Brighton. Steve spent a number of years working as a doctor in Pakistan and after his return to the UK in 1998 he began to specialise in the area of Substance Misuse. This has included extensive experience in drug clinics as well as in residential detox. In 2014, Steve launched The KEYS Project, a Christian charity which now has centres across the UK. KEYS works with churches to support people in the community with addiction issues (see for more information).

In this video Rev’d Jon Swales will issue a passionate call for us to look to Jesus who calls and equips his church to reach out to those battered and bruised by the storms of life. Featuring testimony from those in recovery and drawing on his own experience of heading up a fresh expression of Church called Lighthouse we will explore the missional call of Team Jesus to look like King Jesus. Rev’d Jon Swales lives in Leeds and is married with 4 children. He heads up Lighthouse – a church for those who find themselves in the hard places of life. Jon enjoys reading, folk music, walking and good coffee. Jon also teaches Old Testament at St. Hild theological college and is passionate for the church to engage more fully its missional calling to reach out to the most vulnerable in society.

In this video filmed at the ISAAC UK Conference 2018, Catrina and Charmian will look at working with the whole person; spirit, soul and body. They will share on the power of hope for the future in the process of change and discuss the importance of keeping ourselves and our teams healthy. They will also explore the importance of knowing ourselves and our remit and consider working with behaviours whilst addressing their underlying causes. They will also give a short presentation on the work of Mercy UK.

In this video Stan will explore the vision of Christians working together at local, national and global levels to bring transformation to those affected by addiction issues. The workshop will discuss the concept of a Christian Recovery Community and highlight some of the ways that this is happening today, with particular focus on Dundee, Scotland.

ISAAC UK Conference 2017: Energised for Impact

Dr. Joss Bray shares his framework for working with people in addictions and recovery : Competent Compassion. Read more about this approach and adopting it in your setting here:

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Patrick shares from 30+ years of experience, a Christian view on Families and Addiction. Any addiction can affect the whole family, stress the family unit to breaking point, and change family dynamics. What are we up against? How can we help? And, can the family play a part in recovery? God undoubtedly cares about families – how do we mirror that care?

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In this video, Fiona talks us through the various aspects of Teen Challenge UK and encourages us with stories of transformation.

Fiona Fallon graduated from the Teen Challenge Evangelism School in 1995 and has since been involved in pioneering local church, pioneering a residential rehabilitation centre and for nine years served as manager of Hope House (residential rehabilitation). Fiona is currently the National Programme Director for Teen Challenge UK, having oversight of all their residential centres, and is also the European representative for Global Teen Challenge Women’s and Children’s ministries.

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Huseyin has 25 years-experience specialising in the criminal justice, substance misuse treatment and social care sector.
This valuable and timely video will cover how services can remain adaptable and relevant without losing their values, principles or purpose as well as how to resist a ‘deficit mindset’ in all areas of work, especially in how clients and beneficiaries are dealt with. Being competitive, while still being caring.

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Mark has worked in the charity sector for nearly 15 years pioneering and developing initiatives with young people/young adults.

We all know that working in the addiction field can be stressful and if we don’t look after ourselves we risk getting burnt out. Stress is a state of being and not a health problem, although if it’s unchecked or prolonged it can result in mental and physical health problems. This session will help develop self-care, leaving you better equipped to love yourself as much as those you care for (Mark 12v31).

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David runs a social care consultancy and has 40 years’ experience in social care. At the Commission for Social Care Inspection, David was the first Head of Inspection to develop standards specifically for the drug and alcohol rehabilitation sector and authored their National Guidance for Inspectors of Residential Services for people in recovery.

In this audio you will hear David present a Christian perspective on the CQC’s standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well-Led. As this is a workshop, you will also hear the attendees’ perspectives and questions.

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