This is what the day will look like. There will also be stalls from relevant projects and churches to browse during break times:
9.30 – 10.15am Registration
10.15 – 10.45am Welcome and sung worship
10.45 – 11.30am Plenary 1: Martin Charlesworth, Jubilee+
11.30 – 11.45am Break
11.45 – 12.30pm Workshop A
12.30 – 1.00pm Networking
1.00 – 2.00pm Lunch and St.George’s Crypt Tours
2.00 – 2.15pm What is ISAAC?
2.15 – 3.00pm Plenary 2: Dr. Steven Smith, KEYS Community Detox
3.00 – 3.20pm Prayer
3.20 – 3.30pm Break
3.30 – 4.15pm Workshop B
4.15 – 5.00pm Plenary 3: Rev’d Jon Swales, Lighthouse West Yorkshire