Nepal earthquake: What you can do

Nepal earthquake: What you can do

3rd September 2015 ISAAC News 0

In the midst of the terrible aftermath of the earthquakes that hit Nepal in April and May this year, ISAAC member Kumar (from LP Nepal) and team are helping re-build 100 homes and churches. In his words, “Nepal has been seriously devastated”. 8,800 people lost their lives and over 23,000 have been badly injured.

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As Christ’s body we know that, “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it”. Let us support and encourage our brothers and sisters in Nepal by giving what we can to help them literally re-build their lives from the rubble.

Bank details:

LP Nepal
A/C No. 0201017503522
Nabil Bank Limited,
Maharajunj Branch,Kathmandu,Nepal
Swift Code: NARBNPKA
Contact: Kumar Gungar at