Changing the culture of addiction in the UK
We invited the STAR (Steps To Active Recovery) Network, one of our newest ISAAC Organisational Members to tell us about their passion and mission to address addictions in the UK. This is what they shared:
Welcome to the Discovery Network
Together we can change the culture of addiction in the UK! The national charity STAR – Steps to Active Recovery focuses on up-skilling churches and other organisations involved in the extensive work of addiction and recovery services. We are keen to see modern resources become more accessible for volunteers as well as people in need of support. Awareness is key in helping people find the focus they need to overcome addiction.
There are many beneficial projects around the UK, yet finding them can be a challenge. STAR is pioneering a FREE national support service, mapping recovery groups and activities across the country, so more people can access the help on offer, in a simple and easy way.
This will direct people to services available to them in their locality.
With this in mind, we invite you join our FREE Discovery Network – our online mapping tool for addiction recovery services throughout the UK. There are many benefits to registering with this network.
• All organisations and groups are invited to join this network
• It provides access for people seeking recovery support in their local area
• It can assist anyone to easily signpost people needing help
To achieve the greatest benefit to our communities, we are asking as many organisations as possible to promote their activities on the free Discovery Network. If you would like to be added to the map, or would like to suggest another service, simply click the link below, complete and submit the form. Our team will follow up to ensure we have all the information needed. It is exciting to see a culture changing in how we address addiction and you can be a part of navigating people into a place of hope!
Join the FREE Discovery Network
About STAR
Launched in 2020, STAR – Steps to Active Recovery was established with the aim of equipping churches and organisations to upskill their teams, whilst growing in confidence, knowledge and collaboration. The aim is to assist teams to step in and take action to address the crisis of addiction in their home towns. STAR provides these teams with training, including Addiction and Mental Health Awareness, a free helpline to support volunteers and ongoing mentoring workshops.
In addition, membership provides access to the STAR Life Courses which can be run in churches or organisations once they have completed training. STAR offers access to modern, quality resources that have been created with a holistic focus on the body, spirit and mind. STAR is a Christian charity which means that the spiritual elements of our course and our discussions include the message of a restorative relationship that fellowship with Jesus brings. Our experience shows that people benefit from attending these courses, whether they come from a faith background or not.
Through working with STAR, teams receive access to a bespoke package of resources, including:
STAR Life Course Lite – the new 6-week recovery course
STAR Life Course – the extended 12-week recovery course
Online Learning Hub – where teams access training modules
STAR Life Support Programme – upcoming programme for anyone, especially family members who have been impacted by a person’s addictive behaviours.
Additional Training and Resources – including addiction and mental health awareness and coaching from the experienced STAR team.
STAR has rapidly expanded geographically since it was launched, addressing the growing need for addiction ministries, working with churches in locations around the UK, such as Northern Ireland, Durham, Sheffield, Southampton, and Bournemouth. Our aim is to grow the reach of STAR to impact every community within the next 10 years.
We continually expand our recovery resources and our growing network will provide those who are experiencing addiction with confidence that local churches are adequately skilled and welcoming in this complex area. We believe in collaboration and actively work alongside both local and national organisations to expand the reach of high-quality partnership opportunities.
To help as many upskill as possible, we keep our membership costs to a minimum. Churches and organisations can become members for just £20 a month, gaining access to our online learning hub, helpline and resources for up to 10 volunteers.
Hear from Winton Salvation Army about their STAR journey
When it comes to helping someone in addiction, we only need to know a tiny fraction of what they are experiencing before taking steps that can help change the whole trajectory of their journey. What advice can be given to any organisations wanting to step out of the boat and into life-saving waters? A listening ear is key: we don’t have to have all the answers, yet we can walk with anyone into a place of hope. The church has the largest volunteer network globally, so in upskilling teams we can mobilise this network to change a culture’s response to addiction.
Just as we long to see people set free from addiction, we also long to see communities working together to tackle their local needs. STAR is championing this approach and we invite you to contact us to find out more.