Christmas message to Members

Christmas message to Members

21st December 2021 Connect, Encourage 0


Where would we be without God’s promises? During this Christmas season I find myself meditating on the promises of God. Perhaps it is because of the turmoil seen around the world, or perhaps it is because of an unsettled feeling in my own soul. Whatever the reason, the promises of God give a sense of calm. A true sense of “Shalom”.

Even after the greatest cataclysm the earth had ever seen, God gave a promise: 
While the earth remains,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
and night and day will not cease.
 (Gen 8:22) MEV

He even wrapped this promise with a bow – a beautiful rainbow. God is in the business of promises, and He keeps every one of them.

In his book ‘Always True: God’s 5 Promises When Life is Hard’, James MacDonald expounds on 5 exceedingly great and precious promises from God to His people:

  1. God is always with me!
  2. God is always in control!
  3. God is always good!
  4. God is always watching!
  5. God is always victorious!

God is the great promise keeper. He is Emmanuel; therefore, I can be at peace. 

Around the ISAAC fellowship, God is keeping many promises during these challenging days. In Africa, the ISAAC regional group is meeting bi-monthly via Zoom. Members across Africa are encouraged as they hear from one another. These precious times include prayer, hearing about each other’s projects and training for example on Trauma and Addiction. This fellowship is expanding to the four corners of the African continent.

The ISAAC Mentoring pilot project is “off and running” in the UK. There are 7 live matches that are going strong. The final training session (of 3) for ISAAC Mentors will be in February 2022. The feedback so far has been overwhelmingly positive from the mentees. Mitha reports: “We also had really good feedback from our Mentors on the training we arranged on the ‘Mentoring toolkit: Principles and practices’ as well as ‘Active Listening Skills’ that we ran for them virtually. We are looking to re-launch a version of this project in the coming year when we have evaluated the pilot”. 

Several ISAAC affiliates in Europe have reported significant growth even as their works passed through difficult but necessary adaptation because of new pandemic regulations.

Looking over this last year, we can say with confidence that God is with us, He is in control, He is always good, He is watching us, and He is victorious!

It is our hope and prayer that each one of you will have a blessed and peaceful Christmas season this year and that 2022 will be a year of blessing for you, your families and you work among the addicted of the world.

Merry Christmas,

Tom Bremer
President, ISAAC International