Nigeria Connects: Youth and Drug Policy
Over the last three months, ISAAC members in Nigeria have been connecting with each other and other key decision makers in the country at two important events.
In October, several representatives from Civil Service Organizations, Drug policy experts and academics came together at the Second National Symposium on Drugs and Drug Policy in Nigeria. ISAAC member Ikenna Molobe said, “A lot was discussed at the conference but the major outcome is that the Drug policy in Nigeria should be reviewed. One of the points we highlight for review is to stop the human rights abuses of people that have fallen victim to drug use. Especially the punitive punishment by law enforcement agencies.”
In December, ISAAC members ‘African Youths Initiative on Crime Prevention’ hosted the first National Youth Summit on Drugs and Substance Abuse Prevention. The main aim of the conference was to gather key people to discuss and have a unified voice about issues of substance abuse and people trafficking. The organizers and delegates of this summit wanted to consolidate the position of Civil Service Organisations in Nigeria about these issues for presentation at UNGASS 2016 – a Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly on the World Drug Problem.
If you are working in Nigeria or West Africa and would like to connect with these members, please email us on