Organisations you should know about
We are keen that Christian addiction workers are aware of all the relevant organisations that you can be part of. Two such secular membership organisations are:
Word Federation Against Drugs: WFAD is a multilateral community of non-governmental organisations and individuals. They share a common concern that illicit drug use is undercutting traditional values and threatening the existence of stable families, communities, and government institutions throughout the world. Together they work for a drug-free world. Learn more about WFAD here:
Their next annual Conference will be in Gothenburg, Sweden in May. Some ISAAC members will be attending. If you are intending to go and would like to connect with other ISAAC members who will be present, please contact us.
International Society of Substance Use Professionals: ISSUP is a global network that works to support the development of a professional prevention and treatment network. It serves as a focal point for information about substance use prevention and treatment. They have regional chapters across the world and have a keen interest in knowledge sharing. Find out more here: