UK Network update
The global pandemic has taken our UK regional meetings online. These meetings are designed to be a supportive time for anyone working in addictions/recovery in any way to spend time together and encourage and equip one another. Mary Halsey, ISAAC UK’s Regional Coordinator gives us an update:

How are regional groups going at the moment?
The groups have been going really well. There have been 6 groups around the UK meeting every few months via video call. The South West group actually decided to meet more often, once a month where possible particularly to support those on the front-line of working with people with life controlling issues.
It have been good to hear how different individuals and organisations have been coping with lockdown and to learn from each other through it. We’ve also had some really uplifting times of prayer, of listening to God and sharing what we feel He wants to say to encourage others. Meetings always tend to end with people saying how much they value these times.
Do you have plans to meet in person again in the near future?
The groups will be meeting online again in September and October, then we will review things after that. It would be great to meet everyone face to face soon, but we will have to keep an eye on what’s happening nationally as well as with any local lockdowns. Even moving forward, we will probably have a mixture of online and face to face meetings, as they have worked so well for some people.
What has been the best thing about meeting online?
I’ve been able to attend all the meetings, including those that would have been a really long journey for me normally, with no early mornings! It was good for me to see the positive connections being made in the groups and get an idea of how each group has been evolving differently. It’s enabled others who would struggle with making the journey to be able to be part of it too. We’ve also found that although some people find relating on technology difficult, there are others who find it easier to share more honestly and be more vulnerable in that environment rather than in a face to face setting.
What can we be praying about for the UK network?
Please pray that the meetings will provide times of refreshment and encouragement for anyone who is finding things particularly tough or challenging in their work or personally.
Please also pray that there will be a continued momentum – that those who engaged before and after lockdown will be able to be involved in some way as we move forward.
Please pray for wisdom for me and the regional leaders to know when and how to start face to face meetings again. Thank you.