Act. Now.
“Act. Now.” Those were the two words that I heard very strongly through a presentation at the World Federation Against Drugs conference in Gothenburg, Sweden…
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Passing on the baton of ISAAC Presidency
In Spring this year, Dr. Jean LaCour handed the baton of ISAAC President to fellow member of the ISAAC International Steering Group, Tom Bremer. As…
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Jesus: Identity and Misunderstanding
How do you feel when you are misunderstood? Frustrated? Maybe rejected? Jesus was probably the most misunderstood person that walked this earth. His mission was…
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Jesus the dual national: An Easter message
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things came into being by Him, and…
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Organisations you should know about
We are keen that Christian addiction workers are aware of all the relevant organisations that you can be part of. Two such secular membership organisations…
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Save the date!
We are delighted to announce that the next ISAAC UK Conference will be on Saturday 6th October, 2018 (please note the change). This year’s ISAAC…
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